MIDDLE SCHOOL » ACTIVITIES & EXCURSIONS » International Kangaroo Mathematics Competition | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence

International Kangaroo Mathematics Competition


Math Kangaroo Exam, affiliated with a France based association called Kangourou Sans Frontieres, is applied in more than 80 countries. The founders and directors of the association consist of academicians and mathematicians who are administrators in the International Mathematics Olympics, and they all come from different countries. Math Kangaroo Exam is usually organized by academicians, universities, mathematics associations, and Ministry of National Education.

Math Kangaroo Exam in Turkey has been organized for 6 years by teachers and academicians from different schools and universities with the approval of Ministry of National Education.

Attracting students’ interest in math through competitions, exams and motivating students who are talented in math even more is an idea that has been existed all over the world for a long time. “Math Kangaroo Exam” is a common and important math competition with around 6 million participants each year. In the Kangaroo Exam, the questions are all attractive, related to daily life and fun. In this way, it aims to change the idea of the students that “math is difficult and boring” and wants to make math more popular among students.
