» High / Scope Educational Approach | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence

High / Scope Educational Approach

HighScope Educational Approach is an educational approach for preschool that was developed by Dr. David Weikart and his colleagues in 1962 in Michigan/USA. It is now used in over 90 countries around the world. HighScope’s educational approach emphasizes “active participatory learning” and strives to help children in all areas (social, scientific, physical, emotional).

High Scope Educational Approach helps children make their own choices, improve their decision making skills, learn to take responsibility, improve their self-discipline and skills. It encourages children to be creative, sociable, curious, well-spoken and tolerant. As a result, children's language development (ability to use language effectively, ability to express oneself, thinking process etc.) increases.

In “active participatory learning” process, children learn a new concept through experience. As they gain experience, they use their senses effectively. They touch, taste, look, listen and smell; thus as they follow their curiousity, they gain knowledge and solve problems.
