HIGH SCHOOL » ÇEVRE HIGH SCHOOL » Two Awards From SAIMUN 2021 | Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence

Two Awards From SAIMUN 2021


Organised online by St. Andrew’s College, Ireland, Çevre College 9-10-11th grade students participated in SAIMUN (St. Andrew’s International Model United Nations) conference, which took place between 7- 9 May, 2021. Our 15 students represented Kenya, Switzerland and Germany and tackled issues in their committees such as: the question of strengthening border security to prevent human trafficking, the question of achieving gender equality in education, the question of overfishing, the question of the alleged detention and forced labour of Uyghurs in China, the question of vaccination passports. We are proud of our students, who worked hard before and during the conference. We would like to congratulate 10A student Bora Taşcan for winning ‘Highly Recommended Delegate’ Award and 9A student Bedirhan Enes Akay for his ‘Best Junior Delegate’ Award.
