Physical Education
Physical Education
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Physical Education


All classes have two hours of compulsory Physical Education lessons within the weekly course curriculum. Our lessons include both indoor sports and children's games.

In addition, it is aimed to teach and develop swimming skills within our swimming lessons reinforcing them with a variety of games and competitions.

In these courses, considering the students’ developmental characteristics, it is aimed to raise well-behaved and healthy individuals understanding   modern   approach to physical health.

Other targets are as follows:

  • Understanding the importance of a healthy diet and regular physical activity
  • Having a good posture
  • Improving hand-eye, joint-muscle coordination
  • Understanding the importance of national holidays and being willing to participate in ceremonies
  • Ability to move according to the rhythm and music
  • Understanding of winning and losing in the game
  • Correct use of sports equipment and facilities
  • Understanding the importance of teamwork
  • Orientation directed at sports branches suitable for physical and mental structure