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  • Second place in the 2024 World of Choirs Fiestalonia Korolar Festival.
  • 2022 - Second Place in the Marmara Region in the French Song Contest
  • 2019 - Environment Polyphony Music Team Third Place in the World in the category of Choirs at Verona Music Festival
  • 2018 - Second place in Turkey for the best performance in the 21st Fizy High School Music Competition
  • 2018 - Best soloist second in Turkey in the 21st Fizy High School Music Competition
  • Environmental Polyphony Team Second in the World at 2018 Spain International Fiesalonia Sea Sun Music Festival
  • Cevre Polyphony Music Team came first in the World in San Remo Music Festival with their choir performance
  • Cevre Polyphony Music Team won best harmony award in ‘Sansev International Choir Festival III’.
  • Cevre Polyphony Music Team came second in the World in Verona Music Festival with their choir performance



  • 2020-2021 Academic Year Honorable Mention Award to Ekin Gökmen, one of the 7B class students, in the cartoon competition on "Nature and Human" organized by the Creative Children's Association
  • 2019-2020 Academic Year  Art Competition organized by Ministry of Education with the theme “29th October Republic Day”  ADA KOSTAKOĞLU 3rd place
  • 2019-2020 Academic Year Art Competition with the theme “İstanbul Ministry of Education and Vodafone 21st Marathon and İstanbul” CEYLİN GÜLÇİN SÖNMEZ 3rd place
  • 2018-2019 Hong Kong International Art Competition with the theme ‘Coral Reefs’- WIKTORIA EDA UYAR-“World 3rd place”
  • BREANNE RUTH ECKMAN from 6F came third in the World in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition with his painting entitled ‘light thermed’.
  • DOĞA PEYNİRCİOĞLU  from 7E came third in the world in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition with his painting entitled ‘light thermed’
  • NİL GÜLER  from 5E came third  in the world in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition with his painting entitled ‘light thermed’
  • NAZLI POLAT from prep came third  in the world in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition with his painting entitled ‘light thermed’
  • MELİS DEFNE YILMAZ  from 9 came third  in the world in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition with his painting entitled ‘light thermed’
  • Kemal Ege Sucu from 2E came first in the World in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition with his painting entitled ‘Family Farm’.
  • Mustafa Efe Sucu from 2 E came second in the world in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition with his painting entitled ‘Family Farm’
  • Weronika Ela Uyar from 10 A came third in the world with her painting entitled ‘Family Farm’ in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition.
  • 4 of our students from different age categories were awarded with Certificate of Achievement for their paintings entitled ‘Family Farm’ in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition.
  • Breanne Eckman from 5A was given Special Jury Prize with her painting entitled ‘ Kadıköy in my Dream’ in Hong Kong Da Po Leung Institute Art Competition
  • Ezgi Dinç from 5C was given Special Jury Prize in Doğançay Museum Painting Competition.
  • Demir Yılmazer from 5B received an Honourable Mention with his painting entitled ‘Environment and Child’ in Turkish Medical Association Painting Competition.
  • Eleven of our students were awarded with Medal of Achievement with their paintings entitled ‘Environment and Child’ in a competition organized by Mon-Ami.