Information Technologies
Information Technologies
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Information Technologies


Information Technologies and software lesson starts at the 1st grade with programing activities without computers and continues in the following process with reading directions and creating flow diagram. Having received block-coding training, the students complete the text-based coding training with Python programing language when they are in the 4th Grade. 

In parallel to the programming education in the classes, the students also receive Digital Citizenship, Information Literacy, Computer Literacy, Social Media Literacy, Safe Use of Internet and Ethics, Office Programs, Algorithm and the Foundations of Programming and 3D Graphic Design trainings.

As part of these trainings, we train our students as the citizens who:

  • Make use of web 2.0 tools needed for their requirements,
  • Can create products on 3D printers with their designs,
  • Meet with robotic programming under the Project by programming Arduino electronic circuits,
  • Can make critiques while making use of the information and communication resources thanks to the digital citizenship acquisitions owned by them,
  • Know the ethical outcomes of online acts,
  • Can take moral online decisions,
  • Never misuse technology, and
  • Promote proper behaviours while communicating and cooperating in the digital world.