Çevre Sports Club Swimming Preparatory Camp
Çevre Sports Club Swimming Preparatory Camp
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Çevre Sports Club Swimming Preparatory Camp


On 6th-13th September, 2017 “Çevre Sports Club”, made up of 30 athletes, and 4 coaches competed successfully at the Bodrum Municipality Swimming Pool. During the camp, we stayed at the Nagi Beach Hotel.

The intensive program consisted of 11 swimming and 9 work out training activities. Every day we had double training sessions, starting at 7.00 a.m which included 4 km jogs and 30 minute work outs followed by 1 hour training sessions in the sea.  During the evening, we trained in the pool for one and a half hours. Additionally, we went on a boat trip for a day which was a really enjoyable experience.

Our prep camp, was quite helpful in terms of improving the physical fitness of our atheletes. During the camp, the commitment shown by the athletes helped them to gain motivation.
