Another Great Achievement in International Exams!
Another Great Achievement in International Exams!
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Another Great Achievement in International Exams!

Our 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students who took YL1, YL2 and Pre-A1 exams organized by the International Exam Center achieved another great success and received their certificates in the ceremonies held in our conference hall on the 23rd November and the 7th December. Our success rate was 92.4% whereas the average in Turkey was 83.55% in YL1 taken by 1st grade students. In YL2 (2nd grade students took it) our success rate was 92.22% compared to the average of %85.52 in Turkey. And our average was 89.13% whereas allover Turkey it was %79.75 in Pre-A1 taken by 3rd grade students in 2020-2021 academic year. We congratulate all our students and wish them success in the future!
