Social Studies
Social Studies
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Social Studies


The scope of Social Studies has a characteristic to reflect the features regarding all areas in life. There is a close relation among the themes because human and society form the basis of the themes.

During the first three grades of the elementary school, the students acquire the basic skills and concepts required in their lives from Social Studies lessons.

At the 4th grade of elementary education, Social Sciences replace Life Studies lesson. Social Studies lesson is a substitution for the subjects of Life Studies suitable for the age level.

As part of Social Studies our aim is to train individuals who:

  • Have basic life skills,
  • Develop individual qualifications,
  • Are exploratory,
  • Are interrogator,
  • Can solve problems,
  • Are environmentally and naturally conscious,
  • Have a high level of self-confidence,
  • Have an environmental awareness, and
  • Internalized national and moral values.

We apply learning strategies based on active student-enrolment, learning styles and speeds of the students and individual and collective learning procedures to achieve such targets.
