Çevre College Teachers At “Autumn Syposıum For Teachers”
Çevre College Teachers At “Autumn Syposıum For Teachers”
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Çevre College teachers continue to make quite a name for themselves through the  conferences they attend. This year, our teachers participated in 20th “Autumn Symposium For Teachers” on 22nd October and they made a difference with their presentations in the field of education.

Our school was represented by 6 teachers in the Symposium which included many elite educational institutions that shape education.

Jasmin Sakka (Act Out& Speak Up!), Eylem Kocatürk, Aslı Er (Observing the Physical Properties of Liquids in Physics and Chemistry), Bahar Yüksel, Ahmet Yağmur Tanrıöver (The Adventure of Mathematics from Creative Drama to a Digital Story), Bahar Yüksel, Hilal Edeer (Math Lab) contributed to the symposium with their presentations.

Our teachers; Berna Kızılgüneş, Beyhan Arput, Niran Çoşkun, Seda Öz and Kübra Yılmaz were involved as participants in “Autumn Symposium for Teachers”, too.
