Last 10 To The Exam
Last 10 To The Exam
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You have a few days left for the exam that you have been studying for months with a high tempo.

In this last turn, you shouldn’t waste your time worrying but progress with the right strategy.

What you need to do now is to continue doing pilot tests consisting of all subjects or an exam on each subject.

If you want to continue your net increase, you need to analyze the solutions and work through your mistakes.

You need to adjust your diet and sleeping habits as much as possible during this period before the exam.
In order to adjust your sleeping hours; you must reduce the consumption of caffeine.
You should not force yourselves to eat some food that you think are healthy because everyone has a different taste and eating habits. Apart from your habits, you shouldn’t try different foods in the last days and you should consume the food you are sure that our body will not react.

Especially in the last week, if possible, you should not eat outside. If you have to, you should avoid eating food that goes bad quickly (mayonnaise, chicken, etc.).

You should not eat fried food, and mixed dishes that contain dressings one day before the exam.

You should definitely have breakfast in the morning of the exam. However, there may be nausea and a lack of appetite along with stress.

So you have to consume healthy food more.

You are required to be present at the school 1 hour before the examination. Students won’t be allowed to enter the exam building 15 minutes before the exam starts.

The documents you need to have on the morning of the exam should be complete.

Pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener, napkin will be supplied by ÖSYM during the examination. You can only have water in our transparent plastic bottle.

It is strictly forbidden to have bags, wallets, mobile phones, wireless communication devices, headphones, all jewelry; (including necklaces, earrings, rings {except for wedding rings}), all kinds of electronic / mechanical devices, all types of bank / credit cards, transportation cards, all kinds of cutting and drilling tools, firearms and so on with you.

Markings only made on the question booklet cannot be accepted, so the coding for the answer key must be completed within the exam period.

Before the completion of ¾ of the exam period and in the last 15 min. you will not be allowed to leave the exam room.

During the exam, if you look at someone else's paper or show our own paper to others, your exam will be canceled.

The camera is on record during the exam. Even if you do not receive any warning from the examiners, if you are detected by camera recordings that you violate the exam rules, your exam may be canceled

Therefore; you must do your best paying attention to all the relevant details, making sure that you receive  full amount of our long-suffering studies and you must successfully move on to the next step to reach your goal.

We wish all candidates success ...

