Another Great Achievement in International Exams
Another Great Achievement in International Exams
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Another Great Achıevement in International Exams


Our 167 primary and secondary students in Young Learners Exams and 121 students in KET-PET had an outstanding achievement in Cambridge Exams carried out by British Side. Our students were awarded their certificates in ceremonies held in our conference hall on 14th November. Our success rate was 100% whereas allover Turkey it was 55% in KET (6th grade students took it). Our success rate was 99% whereas allover Turkey it was %51 in PET (7th grade students took it) in  2017-2018.

We are not only proud of our students’ level of English certified in these exams but also their remarkable achievement in French, Spanish and German exams which were prepared and evaluated by Cervantes Institute, Goethe Institute and  Institut Français.  49 students were presented  their certificates on stage on 14 November,2018.

We congratulate our students and believe that they will put their signature on further accomplishments.
