Breaking Bread in International Partnership Project - First Meeting
Breaking Bread in International Partnership Project - First Meeting
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Breaking Bread in International Partnership Project - First Meeting


The 1st meeting of the Breaking Bread International Partnership Project took place on January 23, 2021, on the video conference platform. Twenty-nine students from Çevre High School's 9th and 10th Grades joined their groups consisting of international students from Tabor Academy, Next Gen Academy and Project Rousseau from the United States, Ellesmere College from England, Rysensteen Gymnasium from Denmark, University of Toronto Schools from Canada, Lycee Brequigny and Saint Dennis International School from France, Colegio Estudio from Spain, Dr Nermien Ismail Schools from Egypt, Transylvania College from Romania and Saint Petersburg College from Russia. Our students, who introduced themselves at the first meeting, tried to get to know their groupmates, also shared their home and social lives during the epidemic. The second meeting of the project will take place on February 6, 2021.
