Çevre College 6th Preschool and Primary Class Teachers’ Symposium
Çevre College 6th Preschool and Primary Class Teachers’ Symposium
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Çevre College 6th Preschool and Primary Class Teachers’ Symposium


Çevre College held their 6th Preschool and Primary Class Teachers’ Symposium on January 4, 2020 with the theme “Timeless Places in Education”..The symposium was opened by Dr. Özgur Polat with his speech titled “ The Effective Learning Environment”.

Following his opening, highly experienced experts presented different workshops regarding qualified and creative education opportunities that can be structured beyond time and space.

 In the  workshop called “Timeless Questions”, Dr. Ahmet Murat Ellez presented his studies on the questions that could be prepared for the students of this generation.

Funda Tekelioğlu, Specialist in Psychology, organised an activity about “Timeless places in Education” During her  workshop called “Asking the Right Question…Understanding…Explaining” Dr. Asya Çağlar presented some activities about the importance of asking questions in our daily lives and  in education.

 In her workshop called “The Creative Thinking and Game Building” Eda Albayrak presented some studies on how to reveal  and develop creativity.

Serap Bostancı Eren explained how to improve children's mathematics learning skills during her  workshop called “Mathematics through the Eyes of a Child”.

During his workshop called “Silent Reading or Playful Reading?” Lider Hepgenç explained how to act out the books.

In her workshop called “Social Skill Awareness” Ayça Bahar Bakkaloğlu revealed activities that help developing social skills.

Zeliş Kurt presented some activities about the integration of course achievements with nature in “ Classroom Without Walls” workshop.

During the workshop “Tale Time with Seiba” Özge Sarıkurt Saraç organized an activity in which she introduced ways to narrate tales to the students using songs.

Dr. Asya Çağlar, Dr. Murat Ellez, Lider Hepgenç and Eda Albayrak took part in the panel about “ Timeless Places in Education” that was moderated by our Primary School Pirincipal Elif Bayraktaroğlu.

During the panel, they interacted with the participants about the new generation attitudes towards education regardless of the time and place.

We completed a pleasant symposium in which the participants gained innumerable experiences that can be shared with the students.
