Çevre College – If the aim is to pursue excellence
Cevre High School in Silicon Valley

Cevre High School in Silicon Valley

Cevre High School in Silicon Valley

Cevre High School 9-10-11th grade students went to Silicon Valley under the supervision of Gülhan Pamuk (Math teacher), Özge Cankaflı (Biology teacher) and Nurhan Deniz (High School Principal) between April 13th and 21st, 2023. In addition to visiting the world’s most important IT center, Silicon Valley and the leading universities of UCLA, Berkeley, Caltech, Stanford, they also attended the trainings.

Gizem Güvenç, one of our 2021 graduates, guided Çevre High School students during their visit to UCLA. She talked about her university life, courses and achievements at UCLA.

We interviewed Murat Baday, a professor of Physics at Stanford University and had the opportunity to tour the campus.

We had an interview with the scientist Umut Yıldız at The California Institute of Technology (CALTECH). Umut Yıldız, who works as a researcher in the fields of deep space communication and astrophysics at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), holds a PhD in Astrochemistry, Molecular Astrophysics at Leiden University Observatory, Netherlands. He is a popular science writer and speaker. Our students were very impressed by him and with the university facilities. We also went to the SPACE X.

We had a pleasant time visiting Intel, Apple, Meta and Facebook in California’s Silicon Valley, which is the indispensable icon of technology giants. We met Ali Suavi Demir, who works as a software engineer at the Google Campus. He told about his projects.

In addition to educational expeditions, we also made our Western America tour. We went to Universal Studios, where the world’s biggest movie productions are shot, and to the amusement park Six Flags Magic Mountain. Our students had a pleasant day with their trips to Beverly Hills, Griffith Observatory, Stars of Fame Hollywood and Santa Monica. We explored the San Diego Old Town Area and had the opportunity to visit Solvang Danish Village in Santa Barbara.

With this trip, our students had a solid experience in the fields of mathematics, physics, engineering, software, information technologies, while developing on the way to be individuals who can solve problems, think critically, catch up with their age and develop an analytical perspective on problems. Our students represented our school very well in the workshops and seminars they attended. Congratulations to our students who participated in our educational trip.