Denmark School Partnership Project
Denmark School Partnership Project
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Denmark School Partnership Project


Between March 28th and April 2nd, 28 students and 2 teachers from Rysensteen Gymnasium, Copenhagen visited Çevre High School to attend the tenth round of the school partnership project organized by the English department. Danish students and teachers attended lessons discussing their views on the cultural and social differences between the two countries.

As the second round of the project ,21 Çevre students from 10th and 11th grades were welcomed at Rysensteen Gymnasium for the 10th time between April 25-30. Our students had the opportunity to observe the Danish education system and collaborate with the Danish students in English, History, Social Science, Maths and Dance classes. Besides the academic studies, our students were taken on a city tour where they had a boat trip on the canals and visited National Museum where they had been informed about the Danes and the Vikings. We exchanged good-byes until we meet in October at Çevre College, İstanbul.
